Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Finds
You can add a ton of songs to a playlist, and it will play them, for free! I know pandora is awesome cause it gives you artists that are similar to ones you already love and introduces you to new bands, but this site lets you listen to all the songs you love! No commercials, no waiting to hear a band you do know, and you can replay the song if you loved it!

So I am trying to spingclean my room... get rid of some clothes, get the clutter removed. I am trying to be heartless about my things, so that I can actually get rid of things...but I came across a pair of pants, and I tried them on and they did not fit. So, in this spring-cleaning spirit, I should just donate them. But I thought... why not give a date that I should be able to fit into them like say, May 5th, and if by that date they don't fit, then get rid of them? Good idea? Bad idea? Am I just being a hoarder? haha
Now, I don't think I am a hoarder (but isn't denial the first sign?) but I do want to keep certain things, just cause, or so that one day when/of I have kids they can read the books I read, they can wear the clothes I wore. I've been collecting? Stashing? haha Getting kitchen-y things for the day when I move out and don't have to spend tons of money to furnish my place. Is this smart? Or is it just going to make that move more stressful because I have so much stuff already? I've started buying picture frames because one day I would like to have a ton of awesome frames with cool pictures in them around my house, or on a mantel is some cool decorative way. But should I just be keeping the pictures and wait on the frames? I don't know.

I want to be able to just toss things, but is that being wasteful?

either way, I have been meaning to clean my room for a few days, but then I don't because my sister wants to take her kids swimming, or because my parents want to go to a movie, or because I decide to blog, or because I found a cool new music site, or because I got distracted and now want to buy some new clothes...
what do you think of these three shirts from charlotte russe?

Yeah, I know. I shouldn't be looking to buy new shirts when I still haven't gotten to cleaning my room or getting rid of clothes I actually don't, probably won't, haven't worn in months. But I want new things!

Sorry that my blogs are usually disjointed thoughts... haha

Well, I should get back to cleaning my room.

I told my nephew I couldn't play after swimming yesterday cause I need to clean my room, and he asked why so I fibbed and said Grandma Tracey said so, and he goes, oh she won't let you have any candy if you don't? I say, yes. SO then last night I see him again and he asks if I had cleaned my room, and I said, actually I got distracted by the TV and I didn't. He said, you clean your room or I'll be mad at you! I say, oh okay! and he goes, no, you say Yes Sir! haha what a riot!

But really, going back to cleaning. ...Or catching up on Grey's.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Give me your clothes!! :) we could exchange. It's easier to be heartless that way. I have tried the give yourself a date thing. It has never worked for me...