Monday, June 14, 2010


Well, we all know that I have a tendency to stalk people.

And occasionally ex-boyfriends. does it suck to accidentally stalk an ex and find out they're engaged... yeah, the one who said he would never get married.

Looking at my history with guys, I have noticed I've done a lot of silly things for guys... gone out of my way and tried to get their attention.

...this isn't a pity entry... honest. It just is so weird. I've done all those silly things to try to "change" a guy, to be the girl from all the romantic comedies who ends up getting the guy to want to marry her (27 dresses, he's just not that into you, etc) and it hasn't happened for me yet.

I am positive that one day I might be that girl. I am not too worried about not getting married... the when part is occasionally frustrating, but no big deal. It just sucks to have invested so much in people to not be able to show anything for it.

And then to find out that the ones who were so against marriage are finally getting married (to a girl three years younger than me [and who made a reference to twilight on her blog, when you called me crazy for reading twilight and you said you'd never date a girl who did! though I don't know if she read or likes the books... but still on principle that she made a reference to it]) stings a little. Even though I am totally over him!

I will always try to be the girl who is the exception to the rule, and not the rule. It's just who I am, no matter how cynical I pretend to be.

blah. it's just weird is all.


Sean & Meagan said...

Okay so I totally understand! I had a similar situation (in which he married the girl he said he would never date) even if you are over him, it does sting a little. It doesn't sting for me any more, but it did at first. Who is this boyfriend... The jerkam? It is frustrating...but it does happen. I didn't get married until two years after my last roommate you have at least until 2011 to not worry about it. JUST KIDDING...Bring some humor into it. Anyway...all will be well! Just keep looking TOTALLY awesome in all of your adorable outfits. I have yet to order something from DSW yet, but it's tempting me. I love the tan it all! Especially that plaid dress which I already commented about.
P.S. I'm sure you're thinking this too, but I can't wait to see who you marry!

alyssa said...

Remember that time you married the most amazing, handsome, talented man in the world, and you were gushing to me about how grateful you were that you found eachother, and how perfect he was, and how you couldn't be happier?

oh, wait. That was when I was timetraveling and visiting the future. opps. Sorry if I'm spoiling the surprise.