To do list: (a post in parenthesis)
Listen to Damien Rice's Blowers Daughter five more times ( within the time it took to write this post, I listened to it at least three times) (one reason I LOVE it is cause it makes me think of Heath Ledger from 10 Things I Hate About You)
Laundry (check... for one load)
Clean room/unpack
upload photos (check)
edit photos (not even close to having a check)
read more (books to read include the trylle series, a cutesy trilogy about trolls... i know right? Happy Potter... MAYBE.. don't get too excited. books to look into reading, never let me go and the last letter from your lover. Need to read, the newer Nicholas Sparks novel. and tons more books, I want to read more. also, scriptures daily.)
And read my Grandfather's autobio in our family book called Oh Joy.. so, I might as well read the whole thing yeah? Maybe.
Go to Seattle/Tacoma and drink in the culture like I did in the United Kingdom
Make my T-Shirt quilt... or start, more so than having the shirts piled up in a corner of my room. (check! Well, I have them folded in a box...)
Listen to a CD a day, and give a description of it or post about my feelings from it.
Apply to Utah State University
Study for an take MAT instead of retaking GRE if lady from USU ever gets back to me on how my GRE scores rank within their program...
clean room. (I am anticipating that by the time I have done some of these things my room will again need to be cleaned. haha)
Go through my clothes and get rid of a ton. (living out of a suitcase for basically the past month I have realized I really don't need much... so why am I am set of having so many clothes?)
Read more Psychology books. (heh heh psycho analysis of myself, here I come!!)
Learn more about History and those who where here before me.
Appreciate more the things I do have. (which would be easier to do if I took out the excess)
I could keep coming up with more, but really I am just procrastinating cleaning my room... haha
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