Monday, May 23, 2011

Canadian Stalker part 2

somehow the story does not end with us leaving. A few days later I was on a plane to Texas to be in my dear friends wedding, Go Maria!
As I am waiting and dillydallying on my phone, who texts me? Of course, Dane.
He wants to know if I want to go to a concert and I am like, you live in Canada, I don't and no...
and he was like, oh I was planning on going down to --
and I was like. Nope, Im out of town. Plane is taking off gtg.

So then it is a little while later and my bestie (amazing hair) asks me about Dane. And I tell her and then say, wait... how do you even know about him, I never mentioned him?

Turns out he went on facebook and sent Rachel a note because he wanted to come down and surprise me with a visit.


fast forward: a week after that he is engaged. Turns out instead of visiting me he went somewhere else and met a gal as desperate as he was and they got engaged and married shortly after. Good for them! he thanked me sometime after this--not that I did anything, but he was all like, if i had gone to visit you I wouldn't have ever met her! And yikes. he was like, I do still love you too though. WHAT? You LOVE me??



Mallory said...

Creeper! I had a stalker once-not quite that bad, but it was still scary and I ran to my mom for help. lol i was like 13 or something.

J.R. said...

Jenni you should write a book! CREEPERS IN MY LIFE

Summer said...

Holy crazy crap! The whole story is just nuts. Poor you. :(

Ellen Davenport said...

Wow! Somebody pushed the Turbo button on that guy. Oh Jenni, I love your stories.

Sean & Meagan said...

WHAT THE HECK!!! That guy is CRAZY!!! I love the way you tell stories...quick and to the point...and I can totally hear your voice as you are saying them! Love it!!! Miss you...hope you find no more stalkers in your future!