Monday, June 13, 2011

Edinburgh 2

Did I mention the weather was PERFECT? Always sunny, always beautiful. I was nervous that all of the pictures would be dark and rainy... but instead, sunny!!

I took some silly pictures during our little tour at the Edinburgh Castle, I just felt it was right! haha


I wanted to talk about my trip to the United Kingdom!
We flew in to Iceland, then over to Manchester. We then were picked up and driven an hour west to Chester. We all spent that day together and then Katie and I took a very early train from Chester to Manchester then to Edinburgh! I was still jet lagged, so I slept on the train. While we waited for that first train at five in the morning... we met this crazy kid! He was wearing a plaid shirt, and his name was James Cameron. and he sang to us. He actually had quite a nice voice! But was also super drunk.

On the train ride we saw a ton of sheep and green rolling countryside... It was pretty. When we finally pulled into Edinburgh... oh it was gorgeous! The train puts you right into the city and our hotel was RIGHT there! It was perfect. We put our bags in the coat check and set off to explore the city. We looked to the left and saw the Castle!! We walked through this crazy big cemetery and up to the castle. Then down along the Royal Mile passing a ton of buildings I wish I had studied about and known what they were. And that statue. We went back to our room to take a nap and then walked back to the castle at night!

Finally A Title!

Okay guys. Turns out this whole time I have had title turned off. But I figured it out and I have a title! WOO!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I was looking through my pictures and trying to add a little logo to some of them, going back and forth with JWO Photo or Photography and Photographs when I stumbled upon this gem! I added the JWO... so maybe I should go with JWO Photographs eh? hahahaha

Photo tag?

I realize I have been slacking off on getting my pictures up from my trip, which is important to me... cause I really enjoy my photographs and want everyone to think they are amazing too!
I took this one in color, but edited it in picasa by saturating it and then putting it in black and white... I don't know why but I really like it!!

And I was reading my friend who is a real and really amazing photographer, and she was talking about her logo and I have been considering a logo for my stuff, maybe just so that it is connected to my pictures so people know it is mine more than my trying to promote myself, and I don't know what is a good tag to have. Right now I am waffeling between JWO Photography or Photographs, and I don't even know if I like using JWO or not... thoughts?

And thoughts on my picture?


PS- I see that I am getting a lot of traffic... but I don't know who you are! I'd like to... :D

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Can't You Just Adore Her?

She likes her chocolate in the morning, she drinks her caffiene late at night...

I am awkward. I knew this in the past, but let me tell you... it is definately triggered by boys.

I can't decide if it is an awkwardness brought on by me trying to get a boy to like me or strictly because I like a boy and am unsure how to navigate this situation because I don't date often.

But the other day this boy called me out on it as I was leaving his house, I wasn't sure how long we wanted to be talking outside and so I said, Welp...See ya later (as in Big Gulps style) and as I was turning to walk away he said, Don't be awkward. And I said, it's what I do best...

then we proceeded to quote Arrested Development and Scott Pilgrim VS the World via texts for the next two days, danced a few times on Tuesday where he invited me to watch a hockey game with him the next day, yesterday, which I did. And it was normal and fine mostly... until I had to leave again (which I never know how long to stay... bah) anywho... another awkward exit and it is so frusterating!

Why can't I just be me?
Is it because I don't understand why he isn't in love with me yet? Do I want him to like me so I have the upperhand and can deny him?
Am I just this into him that I don't know what to do??

I don't know! But I do know that my mind is betraying me and I can't stop thinking about him and thats kind of infuriating.