Sunday, November 14, 2010

Serial Dating, for cereal? For Serious.

24. Now 24 is someone I think I could actually be interested in, he is chill yet motivated and productive. He and I go out and take pictures together and it is nice. He is however, very good friends with 21... not to mention good friends with both my ex-boyfriend Alex's best friends, David and Scott. (Yes, I dated two different guys named Alex, one when I was 14 and the other when I was 17 to 21ish? Anywho, just a weird coincidence.) We've only been out "shooting" twice, and the first time we talked about a bunch of stuff, how we would like to live IN a city, like own a building and have the lower part a garage, the middle a dance studio or restaurant, and the top your house... I was recently inspired with this idea from Grey's Anatomy where Christina and her Husband (weird to say btw) buy an old Firehouse! Fire Station? whatev. I think it would be so awesome to have a dance studio in my house, why not live in the downtown city and hold weekly dances, charge people for them, and have it be a side business! It would be great! Especially if somehow it could be an after school hangout that is an appropriate place for kids, and a good environment? Yeeaah! After that we were driving around and picked out houses for him to buy me. All in all it was a blast. Part of my hesitation here is height... which might just be me being vain and petty. sigh.

29. Well, I am not sure if there really even is a 29 anymore. I was suuper into him. Okay, super might be stretching it too... but he was really cool. and super attractive, not a stretch. We met at a YSA dance a few months ago now, I remember walking past this cute 23 year old and his friend on my way to the drinking fountain and they stop me and say, hey you can't say hi to us? And I say, my bad I was just getting a drink.. then on my way back in I invited them to come dance with my group and they decline at the moment but come join us later. It's all fun and I am taking a liking to this blond 23 year old even though we aren't really talking but just dancing in a group... then theres a slow song.. and he doesn't ask me, neither does his friend... and then the dance is over! And I am like, man this sucks! But I decide to kind of hang around and the cute 23 year old is actually hanging around a little bit too... and then I see him ask his good friend for his number and realize, they had just met! I think that at that point he also asked me for my number. Then we are chatting a little and they are turning lights out trying to get everyone to leave and I say, hey too bad you didn't bring a suit you could come hot tubbing... and he says, hey I might actually have one in my car... so we go out there and we get sidetracked just talking and somehow he says he works at a gym and I go, oh as a trainer cause I realize he is riiiiiipppped! For serious, super ripped. And then I am thinking, dang, I need to get him to my house. hahaha. shallow! anywho. Turns out we parked side by side. turns out also, he doesn't have a swimsuit with him... but I suggest my brother has one he could borrow. So he follows me and we hot tub and chat, turns out he is a Podiatrist, a foot doctor. And that he is 29. Now, at this point I was already attracted, but hearing he was 29 I was like, mmmbaby! (And the fact that I had him half naked in a hot tub!)

So we are just chatting and getting along and he mentions he is going out of town but he'd like to see me again sometime and I suggest he text me when he gets home so that I have his number and he gives a great hug goodnight... very firm... even more so since his body is so firm...

So he does text me, and I text him a little but the rest of the weekend I wait, and after he gets back from his trip he texts me and I refer to a joke we had made and he invites me to his place and we watch a movie and hot tub and cuddle and it was great.
So we do that a few times, then I helped him invite me to go out with his friends on his quads and I realize that we don't talk as well now, but I am still attracted to him and he remains a mystery although does he? I keep thinking of the movie made for my mind--He's Just Not That Into You-- and thinking... well he doesn't text me as much... he doesn't invite me to things... I have to try to suggest them... but when I do he goes for it and we end up doing something like going out to Seattle for a laser light show that is full so we walk around Seattle and go to the Melting Pot for Dinner, YUM! but... since he isn't really trying it isn't going anywhere which is so lame! I've got more guys than I know what to do with, but the one I want doesn't want me. Is that the reason I want him?


I think that part of it with him was that I was trying to stay cool, and not be over bearing so I over analyzed everything I did, timing my texting and stuff... when I should have just been me and not worried about it because by removing myself so much I may have come off as disinterested when really all I had been waiting for was him to ask me out.

So now I have a ticket to this hockey game this Friday and I don't know who to ask. I did as 29 but he doesn't get off work til 7 and can't really get off any earlier and the thing starts at 7 and he lives 40 minutes away plus its a friday night and he'd be fighting tons of traffic... so he declined. I am trying to ask his friend who I met through him... but that might not be the best idea although I know he really likes Hockey (and is 25 haha)... and then there is this other guy I met because of 29 inviting me to a football party at this random girls house, he was easy to talk to and fun, but I don't know if thats weird to just ask a guy I haven't talked to for a few weeks and have only met and hung out with once to a crazy hockey game with my sister and brother in law... or there is this really cute and funny guy that one of my dear friend's served his mission with... or a new 22... or 21, 24 works late so he's out... maybe a different 29 but he always ignores me and I know he has a temper so I wouldn't want to date him... my good friend 25 is out cause he works nights...

moral of the story is that I feel like a serial dater, I feel like I have such a great opportunity right now, yet, the guys I am really interested in are not returning my calls--who am I kidding, texts, I don't call people... so I still feel like no one I like likes me, which I feel ridiculous feeling since I know what it is like when no one likes you and people like me say oh it'll be okay hon and I want to punch them... so oy.

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